Spent Brothers Productions
Gazette 89
VISIT TO OXFORD 30 July - 1 August 2010
Celebrating the 50th year of our Morris Minor Convertible
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The sitting room in our nice suite at the Randolph Hotel...
...which had great views of the C17th CE Ashmolean Museum...
...and other parts of old Oxford
The bedroom
Saturday morning views
Sheila on the magnificent hotel staircase en route to a fine breakfast / The Ashmolean from the hotel entrance
Sheila outside the famous C13th CE Bear Inn /
Derek at the house where C17th CE English scientists Roberts Boyle & Hooke worked
Longwall Street - old wall-mounted sundial & the Longwall Garage where William Morris manufactured the first Morris cars
Sheila at the small exhibit celebrating Morris cars early history/
William Morris & the classic 1920s radiator of a Bullnose Morris
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Index of past issues of Gazette still available on-line
Photographs © Derek & Sheila Henderson 2010